Shall we get to know each other better?

I am 30 years old, originally from Ukraine. I currently live in Germany and work throughout Europe.
I adore animals and various natural teas. And also travel.

As a child, I was engaged in drawingfor a long time in an art studio, which is where my love for color came from. Then this hobby turned into photography. It was very scary to start working as a photographer, because self-employment is "unstable and very responsible". But I did not regret for a day that I chose this path. It brought me a lot of pleasure, acquaintances and travels.
In the first years, I tried myself in different genres of photography. I shot weddings, live stories, reportage shootings, etc. But over time I realized that my love is women's portraits. I really like to contact and work with women. Each of them is special and I love to reveal it through my camera.

My favorite location is nature, and the best light is the sun. However, I also like to shoot in studios.

Now I combine travel and photosessions in my photo tours in Europe.


I will be glad to meet you!